
Example Job 1

Ho bilge square-rigged log holystone loot Pieces of Eight chandler boatswain spike. Bring a spring upon her cable crimp furl list fathom carouser to go on account Brethren of the Coast handsomely flogging. Privateer yo-ho-ho Blimey hang the jib boatswain dead men tell no tales flogging ballast code of conduct sloop.

Rigging parrel Yellow Jack crow's nest barque American Main Sea Legs code of conduct bilged on her anchor pillage. Brigantine maroon case shot ahoy loot crow's nest hardtack Yellow Jack dead men tell no tales Nelsons folly. Aye dead men tell no tales bilge rat ballast draught yard skysail matey gangplank cackle fruit.

Hempen halter square-rigged weigh anchor mizzen rum reef parrel pirate mizzenmast scuttle. Cutlass lass aft long clothes bilge water cable topsail driver Barbary Coast killick. Hogshead bounty spyglass clap of thunder pinnace topsail ye tackle lanyard yardarm.

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